Tuesday, February 22, 2011

An update

Still working on my garden project but we've had snow and hale for the past few days and we will have more later. Recycled some stuff via two day garage sale and went to the recycling plant.

Peace out!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paper update and Footprint

So, I've managed to recycle 21.4 lbs more paper. That brings my total to 43.9 lbs, I think. But, I took my footprint quiz, and I'm back up at 4.25 earths. Yaga, I'm taking your suggestion.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

An Environmental Riddle

This is something my mom is doing that is confusing me environmentally. She is burning wood in our fire place to heat up the house. It is saving money on our electricity bill, but it is putting carbon back into the atmosphere. Is burning wood better of worse for the environment that electricity use?