Friday, December 3, 2010

Helping People and Going Green

My high school is doing their annual charity blitz of a coin war, food drive, toy drive and coat drive at the same time. The toy and coat drives are good things for people and the environment because you are helping people and reusing pre-loved items for good.

My advice if you want to decrease your waste this holiday season:
  1. If you have toys in excellent to good condition your kids no longer play with, seek out a toy drive and donate them. You will give some kids a huge smile, get a warm fuzzy feeling and help the earth.
  2. If you have coats or other winter wear that you no longer use , try to find a donation program at your local Salvation Army or a coat drive. Helping people and helping the earth go hand in hand.
  3. Donate any unwanted gifts or host a gift swap with a friend or family member. Would you believe people throw away unwanted but perfectly good gifts every year?
This way, you will make the holidays a bit brighter for some really needy people and make the earth a better place all at the same time. That is one of the greatest gifts there is.

  1. Donate unwanted gifts ( if any) or swap them with a friend or family member. Would you believe people throw away thousands of unwanted but perfectly good items a year?

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